hold line中文什么意思

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  1. Holding line marker
  2. First , the complete machine is controlled by the germany siemens programmable local controller ( plc ) . secondly , mitsubishi e - 540 variable frequency main shaft stepless speed regulation function is provided . thirdly , siemens chinese td - 200 text panel indicator is used for parameter set . the winding number , tension and velocity can be modifies at real time . in addition , the complete machine has high degree of automation . the work of filling in workpiece , clamping , moving workpiece to the winding position , winding , trimming and holding line head etc can be finished for one time
    参数设定采用西门子中文td - 200文本面板显示器,可对匝数绕线张力、绕线速度参数进行实时修改。整机自动化程度高。从工件放入工件夹紧送工件至绕线位绕线剪线并夹住线头… …一次性完成。


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